Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Scotland Day 4

It seems this week most of my blog will be about food because I'm not really going anywhere. HOWEVER that changed tonight!

I had a good day at work - learned more about our recruitment department and some HR issues that were going on in the office. I had lunch in the cafeteria, which was way below average, but is my only option since no one goes out at all. I had quiche. watery quiche.

I was asked by our training manager to go out to dinner and it was such a nice offer then sitting in the hotel.
She showed me her apartment which was amazing. Hardwood floors and quite a nice size area, along with fireplaces in every room. We had a drink and waited for traffic to die down. rush hour in houston is bad, but at least we have 4-6 lanes. Here it's like one lane roads....bad. ha.

She drove me out to stonehead (i think) and I saw a broken down castle
Pretty cool for sure. then we ate down by some beach thingy where I had steak and guiness pie:

no crazy stories today - sad day i know. My throat hurts and I think i'm getting sick. I'm going to look at getting my tonsils taken out when I get home because I'm tired of having them get swollen and gross. 
It's 10:00 here and I'm hoping that I can sleep through the night. 

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