Monday, September 13, 2010

Scotland Day 3

So today was my first day at work. Our office here is so cool. I wish our office back home was like it. It's just the difference between having your own building (here) and being a suite in a large building (back home).

I was picked up at 8:30. It's about a 15-20 minute walk to the office, but I'm managing to get rides to and from. YESSS. I arrived at work, got my temporary badge, met a few people, and then headed off to the canteen. This my friends will be the demise of my funds. It is fresh, at your service food, tea, coffee, etc. The breakfast in the hotel is 15 pound. what? outrageous. I know it's expenseable but no need to do that every morning, when the Canteen is clearly calling my name. I am excited to hear they have a machine that will make lattes. How I have missed my espresso in the morning. So I order a latte and something called a buttery. It's like a roll thingy. Tomorrow I will get something a little more substantial. ha. I was also disappointed that my "latte" was like hot milk, with maybe a slight coffee taste. boo. This country knows how to make a lot of things - coffee is not one of them.

I see our CEO at breakfast - how cool. I debate about introducing myself and after laughter from the girls around the table with me decide to wait ha.

I head up to a meeting where our graduates are being inducted and I run into the CEO in the hallway, introduce myself, where he surprisingly recognizes me from my comments on his Twitter account. Yes. out of 8,500 employees the CEO knows me as Greeley girl. ha. Dude I'll take it.

I hear his speech to the graduates, and then come down and meet with recruiting people and the it's lunch time. which is where things got a bit awkward. one eats out here....but back home...everyone eats out. I can see why.. everything is so dang expensive. so I'm left with either the canteen or maybe hopefully someone will go out this week. Today was a trip to Asda (UK's version of wal-mart). Asda and I are becoming best friends. I am no longer intimidated by its cart buying ways, or its tricky layed out aisles (who puts chips in the detergent aisle?!). I grab a sandwhich and a scottish egg since there is a microwave at work to heat it up. I also grab a meat pie, and a macaroni pie, things for me to try but haven't been able to because I don't have a microwave in the hotel.

The afternoon was spent with more graduate program talks, and spending time with an HR Lead for Conoco Philips (HR Lead is like HR Generalist). Then it's time to go home. While waiting for my ride I decide to heat up the scottish egg and give it a shot.

What is it you ask? underneath the breaded goodness, is ground pork and spices (it's almost like that is part of the breading, and then inside is a hard boiled egg. I wasn't sure if I'd like it. but... I do!

As I got in the middle I realized it would taste better with some salt but I had none, so I kept eating. Still delish. 

Now on to dinner. I walk into the hotel restaurant and think...mmm...a nice burger sounds really good right now. I order the burger and for those that have been following my facebook this is how the conversation went:
Me: Can I have the burger please, cooked medium
Waitress: oh no, you have to have it well done
Me: Why? Is that a law? 
Waitress: no, that's just how the chef makes it. 

oh europe. 

After my inedible burger - the best thing was the fries - I came up to my room did some internet surfing and crashed at 9. It is now midnight - 1am where I have woken up and can't sleep. Tomorrow no matter what I think I will take a sleeping pill. I need to sleep through the night. 

That's all for today folks. food adventures galore. Not many pictures to be taken the rest of the week, I'll be in the office. But I'll try to keep you entertained with hilarious stories of "that's how the chef makes it" and who knows what else. 

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